Step 1


Use our registration form to register an account. We will contact you back to confirm your details and link your accounts with the various Sheriffs within the SheriffLink network to your SheriffLink account.

Step 2


Once we have set your account up as described in Step 1, you are then able to login to your SheriffLink account. Each SheriffLink account will have at least one Administrator account which has the power to create other users should you want various staff within your practice to have access to the SheriffLink system.

Step 3

Account Preferences & Details

We recommend that before you get started using the system, you confirm the details on your account are correct, users you want setup are there, and further details such as notification settings are all correct. You can do this through the 'My Account' link and its various subsections.

Step 4

Get Searching!

All the documents you have access to will be presented to automatically on the Search page; though these results are limited to 100. You can choose to either filter these 100 results using the filter headings; or - search for specifc case numbers using using the Search form.